
Truly, I was so excited at the thought of writing this blog post!  A first time for me.  Today, I finished off working 13 days straight and tonight I celebrated by making dinner for my husband and I, started some laundry and making a card.  Not any ordinary card but a pop-up box surprise card!!!!  After seeing a friend on Facebook make one with no die, I thought “If she can do it, I can atleast give it a try!”  I went to where I love to go to and that is YouTube and found this tutorial (I am not taking any responsibility of an original idea in any way):

And she is from Splitcoast Stampers.  I did NOT do it exactly as to how she did it.  I did not put paper on the outside and I am super tired and so I did measurements that made sense to me and I don’t think I can reduplicate at this point.  However, I want to sit down and give it a try one more time.  But here is what I ended up with!

surprise card

The base and panels of this card is made with DCWV “The Birthday Wishes Stack” 12×12.  The stars were cut out with a star from Recollections and the paper for those stars was out of my scrap bin.  The stars were adhered to acetate and popped up in different directions.  The “Happy Birthday” was from a magazine that I just die cut out, using a circle die and that finished this off!  I understand it is a Happy Birthday to Simon Says Stamps and this is my first card helping them celebrate!!!

Thank you for stopping by and always appreciate hearing from you!

Blessings, Anna

4 thoughts on “Surprise!!!

  1. lorraine says:

    Gorgeous card Anna 🙂 I love the pop up design, the papers and colourful stars are fabulous! LOVE it 🙂

    Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Birthday Challenge 🙂
    Lols x x x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Andrea Ockey Parr says:

    This is such a beautiful project! It is this explosion of fabulous colors that made me smile! I also really like how you utilized the iconic star shape so perfectly. The green chevron interior works so well, as does the patterned paper on the outside of the box. This post was a joy to read and your project was a treat to see! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us for this week’s Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

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